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    Tunisia English Language Program

    Business English 3B (CEFR B1)

    Course Description

    This 42-hour course is targeted at Businesspeople, business students and everyone interested in the latest trends in the business world. The course aims at optimizing business career prospects through the development of communication skills in English. The units cover various topics such as business planning, conflict resolution, new business and the world of marketing. Students will explore authentic business articles, learn essential business vocabulary and listen to authentic interviews with businesspeople. 

    Course Objectives

    Through a communicative approach, this course offers students essential language tools that will help students gain confidence in using English and improve fluency. At the end of the course, students will be able to:

    • Discuss ideas about marketing consulting (Questions formation, word partnerships)
    • Run business meetings and talk about planning (future tense, present continuous)
    • Define qualities and skills of a good managing team (reported speech, verbs and prepositions)
    • Advise on starting a new business (economic terms, time clauses)
    • Manage conflicts in the workplace (conditionals, passive voice)

    Course Textbook: Market Leader Pre-intermediate, 3rd Edition, Units 7-12

    Student Assessment

    You will be evaluated in a variety of ways throughout the course and receive feedback from the teacher to help you continue to improve your English language skills. Student assessment is based on the following criteria, on a scale of 100%. The passing grade is 75%.

    Task Percentage Measures Frequency
    Participation and listening skills 30% Participate actively in classroom discussions and activities Throughout the term
    Mid-term Project 20% Build and present a business plan in a small group After the 21st hour of instruction
    Final Oral Exam 30% Accuracy, fluency, grammar usage and vocabulary of level studied units End of term
    Final Written Exam 20% Mastery of grammar structures, functional language and vocabulary of first three units of the program End of term

    Attendance Policy

    Students cannot miss more than 8 hours (20%) of class time in order to pass the course. Late arrivals are counted towards the 8-hour limit. Students who are absent for two consecutive classes will receive a phone call from the EL Director to check on reasons for absences.

    Class Rules

    • Arrive to class on time.
    • Be prepared to participate in class activities.
    • Bring the class textbook and notebook to every class session.
    • Be sure your mobile phone is on silent and out of sight.
    • Do not bring food or drinks into class
    • Complete all home assignments before class. (This helps ensure that you progress more quickly!)


    We welcome any comments/suggestions/concerns you may have. Feel free to contact the EL Department or call at 71 145 700 EXT: 6718.