L2 Speaking Task # 3

Opened: Wednesday, 6 April 2016, 1:00 AM
Receive a grade

L3 Speaking Task # 3

Directions: (read first)

  1. Begin by reading the announcement in the box below. Do not exceed 45 seconds. You can use the clock to time yourself.

  2. Next listen to a conversation about the announcement by clicking the start button on the audio player in the box below.

  3. Then record your response by clicking the "Add Submission" button at the bottom of the page.

  4. If you get a Flash permission message, check "Allow" and "Close".

  5. Next, click the "Record" button and begin speaking. You will have 60 seconds for your response. You may need to click "Stop" when you have finished.

  6. Finally, click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom to upload your recording for grading and teacher comments.

When you are ready, put on your headset and click the start button on the audio player here to begin this speaking task.

Course Payment Policy

Students are advised that the university requires payment prior to the first day of classes. Provided below are the guidelines and procedures to follow when submitting payment.

  1. Once you have selected and registered the classes you plan to take this semester, log on to your account and go to the “Course Payment” section.
  2. Check to be sure the courses are the ones you selected when you registered. Next to each course is a cost-per-credit and a total cost for the course.
  3. At the bottom of the page is a total cost for the semester.
  4. If the information is accurate, you have two options for paying: either by credit card or bank draft. For credit card payment, continue below. For bank draft payment, you will need to go to your bank for the bank draft and then submit it in person at the Registrar’s Office.
  5. For online credit card payment, click on the kind of credit card below. A new window will open and you will need to provide your credit card number, expiration date, name on the card, and the address associated with the card. When you have entered this information, confirm the payment and submit.

Please keep in mind there is a no refund policy after the first two weeks of the semester. Any increases or decreases in your total credits will require a special submission form to the Registrar’s Office. All inquiries should be directed to this office.