L3 Speaking Task # 4
L3 Speaking Task # 4
Directions: (read first)
Begin by reading the announcement in the box below. Do not exceed 45 seconds. You can use the clock to time yourself.
Next listen to a conversation about the announcement by clicking the start button on the audio player in the box below.
Then record your response by clicking the "Add Submission"
button at the bottom of the page.
If you get a Flash
permission message, check "Allow" and "Close".
Next, click the "Record"
button and begin speaking. You will have 60 seconds for your response. You may need to click "Stop"
when you have finished.
Finally, click the "Save Changes"
button at the bottom to upload your recording for grading and teacher comments.
When you are ready, put on your headset and click the start button on the audio player here to begin this speaking task. College of BusinessDepartment of International Business AffairsSummer Session I and II Announcement
The College of Business is pleased to inform students about a new summer session course being offered on a trial basis. Beginning this year, students will be able to apply their practical experiences to summer session courses. A new course has been added to the curriculum. It is called “Practical Business Applications” and the course reference number is CB-590. This course is designed for students who have extensive business experience. There will be two class meetings, one at the beginning of the session and one at the end. The first class meeting will be to establish the ground rules and obtain approval for a project. The last meeting will be devoted to project presentations. During the session, students will complete one project according to the criteria set by the professor of the course. Students will be expected to draw on their previous business experiences in preparing the project for presentation. In order to be considered for this course, prospective students will first have to complete the standard course admission form in your student packet. Be sure to describe your past work experience that is relevant to the course. After departmental review, those students eligible to take the course will be contacted. These short-listed students will then meet with the professor of the course in advance and obtain final approval to join the course. Students are strongly encouraged to prepare an outline of a proposed project area for the professor to review when they meet. |