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  • Regional Teacher Support Group

    Welcome EL Managers, Coordinators and Teachers!

    The Regional Teacher Support Group is a virtual meeting place to facilitate professional discussions about using our LMS and BBB virtual classroom.  It also serves as a venue for communications between the LMS/BBB administrators and staff members at AMIDEAST country offices. Acting as a hub for sharing and exchanging ideas, we engage in LMS/BBB-related discussions, address and solve problems together, upload course documentation, and participate in prospective training workshops.

    • For anyone who wants to take our LMS Certification Course 1, the enrollment key is 6npr7k. This course is self-study and self-access and shows you how to perform basic LMS administrative tasks. It is ideal for support staff, particularly CSR members.

    • For anyone who wants to take our LMS Certification Course 2, the enrollment key is hdifzc. This course is self-study and self-access and shows how to develop quizzes and assignments. It is especially for teachers and others developing quizzes and asynchronous activities.

    • For anyone who wants to take our Personalized Learning Course, the enrollment key is cqqs26. This course focuses on using Google teaching resources and culminates in setting up Google Classroom.

    • For anyone who wants to take a self-study Moodle course, just go to https://learn.moodle.org. There are four of them, two for teachers and two for administrative staff. They are totally free.

  • Administration & Communications

  • LMS Documentation & Videos

  • BBB Virtual Classroom Training Videos

  • References and Additional Resources

  • Online Teacher Training Workshops